Wednesday, July 21

God Bless Abbie Moe

Abbie Moe dances with God in Heaven today...please say a warm prayer for her loved ones, that they all know her love for them all.


Unknown said...

What a wonderful tribute to Grandma Abbie! Thank you Time, Elaine, Denise, Richard and everyone at Serenity. Abbie loved you all!

Mary & Charley

s.r.m said...

Such a beautiful tribute to a woman who meant the world to many! Thank you for sharing such wonderful pictures and memories - truly something to be cherished!

Unknown said...

My Grandmother would love that, We found a nice assisted living home in Tacoma WA for her, but I always feel bad, she used to love to go bird watching, but she has dementia now, so she doesn't get out to often.