Spreading Christmas cheer, youth from the Dilworth Lutheran Church and St. Elizabeth teamed up with Serenity Assisted Living to collect, sort and pack donations for Operation Christmas Child.
This particular charitable event is the biggest holiday charity event in the world. Since 1993, more than 61 million shoe boxes have been packed, shipped and delivered across the globe. People of all ages can be involved while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas—Jesus Christ.
Boxes brimming with toys, hygiene items, school supplies and more were collected by the very generous parishioners of Dilworth’s local church.
Not only were boxes packed with goodies for children across the world, but each youth and individual wrote a letter to the possible recipient of the box!
After an evening of packing, the boxes were ready to load into Charles Borgen’s truck to be delivered to Triumph Lutheran Church in Moorhead. Charles just happens to be a member of this particular church!
This has truly been a full circle, generational project. Starting at the churches, families of all ages brought in donations. Geriatrics and youth alike, teamed together to pack boxes. Finally, longtime church member makes a delivery of 141 boxes to an organization that returns the gift to thousands of children each year!